Sunday, 12 August 2007
Scottish 6 days success
A large percentage of SROC's membership travelled to Scotland and enjoyed some excellent orienteering at Spey 2007 which concluded yesterday. Overall top 10 places were earned by: Daniel Selby (6th M10A, 3rd day 1), Chris Nash (5th M12A, 3rd days 2&6, 2nd day 4), Matt Nash (3rd M14A, 3rd days 3&4, 1st day 6), Quentin Harding (3rd M45L, 2nd day 3), Julian Lailey (10th M60L), Dick Collins (3rd M60S, 3rd day 1, 2nd day 2), Maurice Collett (3rd M80, 3rd days 1,2,3&6, 2nd days 4&5), Helen Ockenden (2nd W10A, 3rd day 2, 2nd days3,4&6, 1st days 1&5), Sophie Roberts (3rd W10A, 2nd day5, 1st day 2), Annie Ockenden (5th W10B), Katrin Harding (5th W14A), Rebecca Quickfall (9th W16B), Cath Wilson (2nd W21L, 3rd day 6, 1st days 1&5), Karen Nash (7th W45L) and Sue Harding (9th W45L). Congratulations to all of them, and especially to Maurice and Helen who both placed in the top three on all six days. Full results are on the Spey 2007 website. Why not discuss the 6 days on the SROC message board?