Monday, 15 March 2010
Chorley O-zone series - invitation to SROC members
Over the coming weeks, SROC is running an O-zone series of events around Chorley. The dates and venues of these are: Mar-27 Yarrow Valley, Apr-24 Duxbury Park, May-08 Yarrow Valley, May-22 Worden Park & Jun-05 Astley Park. The times are a little later than usual, with starts from 12-30 until 2pm. As well as the usual roster of volunteers required to run these events, we will also need some orienteers to help newcomers through the process, and help them with approaching the courses. Please email Roy McGregor if you are able to spare some time to support one or more of these events.
News Archive (you may need to scroll up after selecting an item)
- North West Regional League new for 2010!
- JK relay start times changed
- JK relay teams announced
- Yarrow Valley Park, Chorley O-zone
- Lancashire Rising Star Fund helps Chris Nash
- Final Street League Positions
- Chorley O-zone series - invitation to SROC members
- Changed parking for BL Gowbarrow event 21 March
- Penwortham Street Event results
- Final Street League and prize winners
- England team victorious at Interland
- Good luck to SROC members competing this weekend!
- Blackpool Tower Trophy
- Final Street league event & league scores