Sunday, 13 November 2011

SROCkite.gif (2521 bytes) Saturday 19th November - Dalton Crags, near Burton in Kendal orienteering event - all welcome!

You are invited to the above! Start times 12.30-2 Fees £3/£1 entry on the day only. Yellow and short and long technical courses, so suitable for for everyone – the yellow is great for beginners, the two technical courses will provide a demanding navigational challenge. This makes use of the new map only used once for the longer courses of the Hutton Roof Level B event earlier this year. Final details will the on the SROC website later in the week. Please note there will be no toilets – the nearest are at Carnforth Truckstop. Martyn and Sue Roome (Organisers)01995 603885.

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