Monday, 1 April 2013

SROCkite.gif (2521 bytes) SROC win Gold in Veteran Men (M165) at JK

The SROC team of Andy Quickfall, Martyn Roome and Quentin Harding took a dramatic victory in the Veteran Men Class at the JK in Berkshire on Easter Monday. Andy led them off with an excellent 4th, with Martyn on 2nd leg taking 3rd place on the run in. So it was down to Quentin to catch the leaders, which he duly did at the last control, overtaking Steve Webb of AIRE on the sprint out of that control – and after that Usain Bolt would not have caught him!
It turned out that AIRE had, in fact, been disqualified by their 2nd leg runner mispunching, so Quentin could have taken it easy! SROC retained the trophy in fact, having won it in Scotland last year.
In the picture, Andy had already left, for a date with Harry Potter apparently!
There were several other good results on the day, including the Womens Open team of Zoe and Katrin Harding and Heather Gardner taking a fine 7th place.

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