Thursday, 13 March 2014
Blackburn North street league event
Street leaguers have been somewhat spoiled by an event a week for the last three weeks, and still we have the final to look forward to next week! Last night's in Blackburn saw the first use of Bob's new map, and he had kindly displayed an OS map as well, to show the contours. The hilliness certainly added to the usual route choice challenges. Routegadget v1 and v2 are ready to go.
News Archive (you may need to scroll up after selecting an item)
- WOC test races
- More WOC test race results
- WOC test races results
- Yarrow Valley Spring series event 5th April
- New Club O-tops
- WOC selection races final details and start lists
- Ashton mass start street O results
- Street League finale
- Night Street League tables
- Beacon Fell Spring Series, Saturday 15th March
- Street League lost property
- Blackburn results
- British Championships Individual 31/5 & Relays 1/6/14
- Blackburn North street league event
- Quentin makes the front page – and Zoe is a Page 2...
- St Annes results
- St Annes street league event