Saturday, 26 December 2020

SROCkite.gif (2521 bytes) Stanley Park, Blackpool Maprun Reopens

 We had to take down the Maprun courses due to areas being taped off because Avian Flu precautions! but after Wayne Byrne, the planner and soon to be SROC member modified them we are able to open them again!

The courses will remain open for the foreseeable but from the informal league viewpoint points will score only up to and including Monday 17h January. All classes to run the longer one for the informal league, apart from M/W14- which runs the shorter. Of course, you can run which ever you like if you are not interested in points! Or both!
I am doubtful that we will be able to get the paper maps on the BOF portal until the New Year (office closed) but you can get them by emailing me

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