Tuesday, 5 January 2021

SROCkite.gif (2521 bytes) Street League part 2 further update

In the light of the latest instructions from the Government regarding Covid I feel there is no alternative but to cancel the final 5 events of the 2020-21 season. It is apparent that the first three events cannot go ahead as they will be within the minimum time period for the current restrictions. If the restrictions are eased at the end of the period indicated there will be insufficient time to then plan and organise event 4. With only the possibility of the final event going ahead it seems very unfair to ask the organiser to plan an event that could be attended by relatively few people, judging by the quite small numbers feeling able to go to the last 3 events in Part 1.

My thanks go to the Organisers/Planners who put on the first five events; your efforts are greatly appreciated.

We all hope that we can return to street leaguing in the 2021-22 season.

Happy New Year to you all and stay safe.

Bob Nash

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