Thursday, 9 May 2013

SROCkite.gif (2521 bytes) The Club Name

From time to time this issue raises its head. Opinions are always divided between those wanting to keep tradition and history and those who feel the name presents some problems. Some feel potential members will not think they live in South Ribble and so it is not the club for them to join. Others feel that some councils do not like to think they are supporting another council etc and so will not provide funding.  The Committee have agreed to have a vote at the AGM which would be a simple choice of keep SROC or change to AN Other (one predetermined choice).
This is your chance to make suggestions or to express preferences before the proposal is worded for the AGM.

Unless I have missed any we so far have had suggested:
Red Rose OC (for Lancashire)
Scarlet Rose OC (keeps the SROC)
Bowland / Bowland OC (geographical origins)
Lancashire OC (not LOC and might upset SELOC etc that are also Lancashire)known as LANCS in results etc
West Lancashire OC (the location of our membership but again another council)
South Rheged OC (keeps SROC - Rheged was a Celtic kingdom covering all of the NW, divided in 535 to North and South Rheged with the southern being Lancashire and some of Cheshire)
SROC ( The Red Rose Orienteers) so we keep the name but can use the RRO bit for local publicity
Preston and Lancaster Orienteering Club

If you have any preferences or alternative suggestion would you please forward them to both me at and Julian at Karen Nash

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