Sunday, 24 November 2013

SROCkite.gif (2521 bytes) UK Orienteering League

Congratulations to Quentin, Sue and Zoe Harding all of whom won their classes in the 2013 UK Orienteering League, which is now complete. In addition SROC finished a highly creditable 6th Club. The best 15 individual club members’ scores count, subject to certain conditions about classes.
We needed three scores from each of M/W 16-21, M/W 35-45, M/W 50-55, M/W 60+ plus any additional three scores. The SROC scorers were (highest scorer first): Quentin Harding, Sue Harding, Miriam Rosen, Zoe Harding, Katrin Harding, Helen Ockenden, David Rosen, Julian Lailey, Mary Ockenden, Sue Roome, Andy Quickfall, Mike Johnson, Deb Murrell, Sarah Watkins, Juliet Bentley. We also managed to finish a second SROC team in 57th place out of 117, again a very creditable achievement.

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