Friday 9 July 2010

SROCkite.gif (2521 bytes) SROC AGM and proposed new constitution

The SROC annual General Meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 15th September 2010. The details of time and place will be published soon, but in the mean time please mark this date in your diary. Members attending the meeting will be asked to vote in acceptance of the revised club constitution, which may be previewed here:


NAME: The club shall be named the South Ribble Orienteering Club.

AIM: The aim of the club shall be to encourage and promote the sport of orienteering and such similar sports as shall be decided by any Annual General Meeting.

AFFILIATION: The Club shall be affiliated to the appropriate national and regional governing bodies of the sport of orienteering.

MEMBERSHIP: Membership of the club shall be open to all. As the club is affiliated to the national body we also adopt their policies (eg Equity, Protection of young and vulnerable people etc.) in line with best practice.

FEES: Membership fees shall be determined by the committee and will include national and regional affiliations where applicable. The membership year is a calendar year, January- December.

FINANCE: The financial year shall run from 1st August to 31st July each year.

Accounts shall be submitted annually at the AGM and at such other times as the committee may decide. Monies received by the treasurer on behalf of the Club shall be held in such a way as determined by the committee and cheques drawn upon the Club shall be signed by at least 2 members of the committee. Accounts shall be audited annually. In the event of the Club disbanding assets will be transferred to the regional association. The Committee shall elect an auditor.

COMMITTEE: Management of the Club shall be by a committee elected at the AGM consisting of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer and such other designated or specialist officers or members as the Club may think necessary. Motions shall be carried by a simple majority and a quorum shall consist of 6 members. The committee shall have the power to co-opt additional or replacement members in order that its duties may be carried out efficiently.

NEWSLETTER EDITOR: The newsletter editor shall be agreed on by the committee. The newsletter editor is a non-committee post.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The AGM shall take place within 12 weeks of the end of the financial year. Amendments to the constitution and items for inclusion on the Agenda shall be received in writing at least 21 days before the meeting and shall be endorsed by at least 2 members of the Club. Nominations for committee posts will be accepted at the meeting.

SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING: A Special General Meeting may be called by the committee or at the request of 10% of the membership of the Club to be held within 21 days of the request. It shall only discuss the business for which it has been called.

VOTING RIGHTS: All members shall be entitled to 1 vote at General Meetings. Proxy votes are acceptable if a club member attends the AGM with written authorisation from the absent member.

All motions shall be carried by a majority (Chairman to have a casting vote) except those appertaining to the constitution when a two thirds majority of those voting shall prevail.

CLUB COLOURS: The club colours will be mainly green to reflect the history of the club and red to reflect members from across Lancashire. The badge / logo is a red rose. Club members are encouraged to compete in a club top.

INTERPRETATION: Requests for interpretation or decision on any matter not covered in this constitution shall be referred to the committee.

Revised Nov 2009

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