Friday, 26 September 2014

SROCkite.gif (2521 bytes) Margaret Adams funeral arrangements

Margaret Adams was a keen fell walker and played tennis and golf before being introduced to orienteering at the age of 49. Living in Kendal Margaret took to orienteering quickly and started winning major events after only a couple of years in the sport. Joining SROC Margaret was part of a very competitive group of older women including Lorna Collett, Judith Wingham and Irene Munro.

Outside orienteering Margaret was heavily involved in the Ramblers Association, and penned many guided walk booklets. She was also a keen church goer.

Margaret ‘retired’ from orienteering around 15 years ago following heart surgery but remained active and still lead guided walks until around 5 years ago. She is survived by her daughter Sue (Barrie) and son Charlie, along with 4 grandchildren.

The funeral will take place at 12.30 on Tuesday 7th October at Kendal Parish Church.
After refreshments (venue to be confirmed) we will be making our way to Dalton Woodland burial ground for the committal.
Please dress appropriately for a woodland walk.
All welcome.
Charlie Adams

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