Thursday, 9 April 2015

SROCkite.gif (2521 bytes) Oustanding JK2015

To borrow an educational term to describe last weekend's JK, SROC has been awarded the following judgements:

Organisation (Day 1) - 'Outstanding'
Planning (Days 1 and 4) - 'Outstanding'
Volunteering - 'Outstanding'
Lancaster University Map - 'Outstanding' 
Thank you to all members of SROC who made any contributions to the success of JK2015
In reality, the organisation and planning for this level of event starts years in advance. SROC are fortunate to have members with a wide range of skills and who are prepared to give up a tremendous amount of their spare time to make sure JK2015 would be the best yet.
Tony Marlow, assisted by Martyn Roome, were superb organisers of Day 1. Also David and Miriam Rosen, Quentin Harding were expert planners. Chris Roberts produced an excellent map for the Sprint race at Lancaster University.
These events can only operate if an army of volunteers are willing to give their support. It was affirming to witness so many SROC members, new and old, giving of their time to ensure the sprint event began with a metaphorical bang. Some of our club members also willingly helped on other JK days.
Thanks also to other NW clubs who helped on the day.
Do go to our Twitter feed and Facebook page to read the positive comments from all around the country.
Mark Edwards - club chairman

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